Local Public & Private Schools

Local Public Schools
School Administrative Unit 16, 30 Linden Street, Exeter, NH

Nursery and Kindergarten
Exeter Day School, 11 Marlboro Street, Exeter, NH
Acorn School, 136 Winnicutt Road, Stratham, NH, 603-778-8285
The Building Block School, 125 Kingston Road, Exeter, NH, 603-778-1383
Berwick Academy, 31 Academy Street, South Berwick, ME

The Cornerstone School, 146 High Street, Stratham, NH
Brixham Montessori Friends School, 18 Brickyard Court, York, ME
Montessori School of Exeter, 2 Newfields Road, Exeter, 603-772-5558

Private Primary Schools
Sacred Heart School, 289 Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH
Berwick Academy, 31 Academy Street, South Berwick, ME
Heronfield Academy, 356 Exeter Road, Hampton Falls, NH

Private Secondary Schools
St. Thomas Aquinas High School, 197 Dover Point Road, Dover, NH
Philips Exeter Academy, 20 Main Street, Exeter, NH
Berwick Academy, 31 Academy Street, South Berwick, ME

Universities and Colleges
Great Bay Community College
The University of NH, Durham, NH, 603-862-1234
Southern New Hampshire University, 2500 N. River Road, Manchester, NH

Child Care
Bright Horizons at Timberland, 200 Domain Dr. Stratham, NH
Harris Family Children's Center, Exeter, NH
Robin’s ChildsPlace, 105 Lafayette Rd. Hampton Falls, NH
Appleseeds Day School 15 Hampton Rd. Exeter, NH

School Ratings and Reviews

Core Physicians, LLC, is not connected with and does not support or endorse any of the businesses or entities listed on this page, and is not responsible for the content. The intent of these listings is to provide you with a sample of available resources and activities.