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Advances in Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

For gallbladder removals, appendectomy and hernia repair

by Christopher Roseberry, MD

Some individuals in need of surgery for conditions such as gallbladder removal, appendectomy, removal of portions of the intestines or hernia repair may no longer require multiple incisions or experience a long and difficult recovery period.

Through an advanced minimally invasive surgery technique called Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), certain surgeries can be done with one incision, instead of three or four. The incision is hidden inside the belly button, resulting in less scarring and a faster recovery. Patients are typically able to return home immediately after surgery and have minimal restrictions.

As the SILS technology began to evolve two years ago, it was only used for gallbladder surgeries. Surgeons previously used four incisions when removing a patient's gallbladder, but with the new technique a single incision in the patient's belly button is made. To perform the procedure, surgeons first insert a single port, which allows two to three surgical instruments into the abdominal cavity as well as a small camera. The surgeons are able to see the gallbladder region on a TV monitor in the operating room. Once the gallbladder is removed the small incision is closed with absorbable sutures and covered with a plastic dressing, which can be removed 48 hours after surgery. Patients can shower the following day and begin to resume normal activities. The SILS technique is not for all patients. Among others, it is not appropriate for those who have large amounts of scarring from previous abdominal surgeries or individuals who have severe infections of the gallbladder.

SILS technique; the resulting scar is less than an inch in length

By the time more modern SILS surgical technology was released in the spring of 2009, multiple different types of operations were possible using the single incision technique. Advanced instrumentation has allowed for more complex procedures including: appendectomy, removal of portions of the intestines including the colon, anti-reflux surgery and hernia repair. A traditional scar for colon removal can be up to 12 inches in length. However, by using the SILS technique, the resulting scar is less than an inch in length and is hidden inside the belly button.

Faster recovery time and a better quality of life

The advances in SILS surgery continue to progress rapidly resulting in a faster recovery time and a better quality of life for qualified patients, furthering the art of surgery.

For more information about the SILS technique or other laparoscopy services, please contact us at 603-772-9313 or 603-775-7405