Core Physicians has established a call center for patients who would like to learn more about the status of their care for the following practices: allergy/immunology, pediatric dental, podiatry, and neurology. Please call 603-580-7541 between the hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday to connect with a member of our team. Existing patients will also receive direct communication from these practices.

Neurology (Nervous System)

Neurologists diagnose and treat stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dizziness, seizures, dementia and diseases of the nerves known as neuropathies, which include tingling in the arms and legs and difficulties walking.
Using new diagnostic tools, we look for signs of restricted blood flow to the brain, which may lead to stroke. Electrophysiologic studies help us diagnose and treat peripheral nerve problems causing numbness, weakness and pain.

In addition to an office in Portsmouth, NH, our Neurologists work with a team of musculoskeletal specialists at the Center for Orthopedics and Movement in Exeter, NH. This collaborative approach to your care allows for the best possible outcomes and maximizes your recovery; all in one convenient location. Coastal NH Neurosurgeons are also available onsite to consult with patients when surgery is a consideration.

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Our Neurologists are located in Exeter and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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