Amanda Alaimo, APRN

Amanda Alaimo is a Primary Care Provider (PCP) in Stratham, NH who is accepting new patients of all ages.
  • Undergraduate: BS, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
  • Graduate: MS, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Board Certified
Family Nurse Practitioner

Patient Rating
4.8 out of 5
139 Ratings

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Core Physicians
118 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: 603-778-1620
Fax: 603-772-8015

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Yes, this provider spent a great deal of time with me and she accurately diagnosed a wrist fracture and sent me right over to the osteo department for a cath. She was awesome, incredible, and much better than the ER doctors at the hospital.


Excellent care. Prompt appointment. Respectful and responsive to my concerns and health care preferences


I think that Amanda is very competent and calm and warm and capable. She's knowledgeable and made me feel very comfortable.


I'm brand new with her. But my first impression was great!!


Amanda is kind, attentive, and knowledgeable. She listened to what I had to say and tailored my treatment accordingly.


She's knowledgeable and kind


I am happy to be working with Amanda Alaimo. She is a very caring and thorough physician. I am delighted to be a patient of hers.


She's a friendly, attentive provider that I would recommend.


Amanda was warm, open, caring, and interested in me and my concerns. She made me feel that I was important to her, and had good answers to my questions. I was very happy!


Amazing, amazing care from the provider. The doctor was unbelievable.

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