Ingrid Gedraitis, APRN

Ingrid Gedraitis is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Exeter, New Hampshire.

Note: Now located in Building 1 at 21 Hampton Road – (the first building on your left as you enter the parking lot).

  • Undergraduate: BS, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
  • Graduate: MS, Simmons College, Boston, MA
Board Certified
Family Nurse Practitioner

Patient Rating
4.9 out of 5
211 Ratings

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Core Physicians
21 Hampton Road
Exeter, NH 03833
Phone: 603-775-0000
Fax: 603-658-0032

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Ingrid was polite and kind and most of all, she listened to what I was trying to explain about my issues. She was clear about how they would be resolved and asked helpful questions. I would love to have her help again. Pleasant lady.


Yes, Ingrid is very thorough and Ingrid is very passionate and has a bed, a really great, fabulous bedside manner. I wouldn't give her up for anybody. She was as good as Dr. Nancy Braes was. At least she's terrific, marvelous, unbelievable. I really like her a lot and she knows what she's doing.


Yes for sure!??


Ingrid and her team that day were amazing! When you are feeling really terrible, it's so nice to visit your doctor's office and have them be on time, efficient, caring and knowledgeable about how to solve what ails you! 5 stars!


Ingrid is an amazing, caring, health care provider I always feel very comfortable with her.


I appreciate Ingrid's manner: quiet, direct, compassionate and very knowledgeable. I also find Ingrid very likeable which makes building and developing a real relationship easier. Whenever someone tells me they have had a bad or poor experience with their health care provider or are looking for one at all I recommend Ingrid, Drs Pangan and Core. Thanks for your great care!


Ingrid cares.


That Dr Gedraitis knows her stuff, is a good listener, answers your question, instills confidence and reassurance. Final score 12/10.


Great representation of Core.


Provides excellent medical services in a timely and professional manner. Recommend!

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