Family Practice (Primary Care - Family)

Our primary care physicians provide you and your family with continuing, comprehensive care during all the phases of your lives - from birth, infancy and childhood, through adolescence, to adult life and the changes it can bring, such as acute or chronic injuries or illness.

Our staff is committed to providing prompt and personalized care for you and your family. We approach healthcare not simply as the treatment of a particular illness, but with a focus on prevention, health education and the well-being of the family as a whole.

We provide comprehensive physical exams, sports physicals, immunizations, minor surgical procedures, routine screenings and patient education.

Specialty Services

You also have access to over 20 specialty services including General Surgery, Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) and Orthopedics all with providers skilled in treating every member of your family.

Find a Family Practice Provider

4.9 out of 5
(29 Providers,
5169 Ratings,

Family Practice providers are located in Epping, Exeter, Durham, Plaistow, Hampton, Portsmouth, Stratham & Kingston, NH.

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Call 603-775-0000 (M–F 7am-5pm, Sat-Sun 7am-3:30pm) or your regular Core PCP office number

Press 1 to speak with a triage nurse
Press 2 to request a medication refill
Press 3 for an insurance referral
Press 4 to become a new patient
Press 5 to book/cancel an appointment

We can see you today! Call 603-580-7700

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Primary Care when you need it - same day, weekends, after hours, telehealth  

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Choosing a Nurse Practitioner (NP) as your Primary Care Provider

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Primary Care Teams

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