Don’t Delay Hernia Assessment and Treatment

Hernias are common, with an incidence of 1.7% for all ages and 4% for those over 45. For example, groin hernias are seen in about 30% of men and about 3% of women. More than 1 million hernia repairs are performed each year in the U.S., with additional cases unreported. Hernias are most prevalent in adults, especially men, and we see them typically through referrals following a primary care visit. In many cases, the patient has had a hernia for a while and either didn’t know it was there or has known about it but did not seek treatment until experiencing an escalation in symptoms.

A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue is pushed through weakened connective tissue. In adults, they can be present in many locations but we commonly identify them in either the groin or abdominal region. Individuals may notice a bulge and can have pain in the local area or the pain may radiate around a hernia. But someone may experience minimal symptoms for a while. It’s important to note that emergency evaluation is crucial if symptoms include nausea, vomiting, inability to go to the bathroom or pass gas, or severe pain that arises acutely – as a hernia may become stuck protruding through the weakened connective tissue.

Hernias must be treated with surgery – they won’t go away over time and will continue to get larger and more symptomatic over time. So don’t delay an evaluation with a surgeon. The good news is that we can treat them with a routine outpatient surgical procedure. Open, laparoscopic, and robotic surgery will be discussed and a personalized decision will be made for the best type of repair. The type of repair will be tailored based on size and location of the hernia as well as health history and any other pertinent health concerns.

Recovery after hernia surgery is straightforward, with some minor lifting restrictions – but we encourage patients to walk and move around starting the same day.
For a consult with one of our surgeons about hernia repair, please call Core General Surgery at 603-775-7405 or work with your primary care physician to make an appointment.

Dr. Robert Henley is a board-certified general surgeon at Core General Surgery and Exeter Hospital.