Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine (Lungs/Respiratory)

Our Pulmonologists provide comprehensive consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with illnesses that affect the lungs and breathing. Care is provided in both the outpatient and hospital settings, including the intensive care units.

Pulmonologists and critical care specialists have expertise in wide range of respiratory conditions including but not limited to: lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, sleep disorders, acute and chronic respiratory failure and various lung infections.

We also provide condition focused pulmonary clinics, services and support groups such as COPD Group Visits, Pediatric Pulmonary Consultations and Pulmonary Nodule Clinics.

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4.9 out of 5
(3 Providers,
254 Ratings,

Our Pulmonologists are located in Exeter, New Hampshire.

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Learn and discuss in an open forum, a variety of topics related to COPD. These topics include...

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Pediatric pulmonary consults for children eight years of age or older.

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Patients with lung nodules or lung masses should take advantage of this clinic.

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