Green Light Laser Therapy
For men suffering from enlarged prostate
The laser therapy gives men seeking relief from non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate---also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)--a less invasive treatment option with fewer surgical side effects during recovery.
Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, or BPH, affects more than half of all men over the age of 60. Although BPH is a common health problem, many men lack awareness and understanding about the condition, symptoms, treatment solutions and overall health risks with delaying treatment. Common symptoms of BPH, include frequent urination—especially at night, weak urine flow, pain or burning during urination and starting or stopping during urination, which can have a devastating impact on quality of life.
In lieu of surgery, some men are treated with medication which can be costly and may have side effects.
The Green Light Laser Therapy enables doctors to conduct the same procedure as previously done with the transurethral resection of the prostate in a less invasive, outpatient setting. Using the laser, doctors are able to remove the tissue that causes the prostate to enlarge and affected the patient’s ability to urinate. While there may be some similar side effects to those seen with the TURP procedure, they are typically less severe and shorter lived.
More than 250,000 men worldwide have been treated with Green Light Laser Therapy. The procedure can be done on patients with more advanced prostate problems or patients with a history of cardiac issues who would not have been candidates for the more invasive surgical option.
We also offer the UroLift System, a new treatment for enlarged prostate.
Please email or call 603-658-1277 for more information or to schedule a consultation visit today.