Primary and specialty care services for individuals of all gender identities and sexual orientations

We offer a wide range of primary care and specialty care services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals. We understand you may have unique health care needs. Our goal is to provide dignified, non-judgmental services to help ensure those needs are met with compassion and expertise.

We promote health and wellness and will always respect your need for privacy and confidentiality.

New patients of all gender identities and sexual orientations are welcome. Some examples of our services include:
  • Comprehensive primary care and preventive services
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis therapy for HIV prevention
  • Infectious disease expertise for treatment of HIV/AIDS
  • Cervical cancer and breast cancer screening
  • Gender affirming treatments for transgender and gender diverse individuals, including hormone therapy, laser hair removal and gender affirming surgical procedures

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4.9 out of 5
(8 Providers,
1135 Ratings,

Our LGBTQ health providers are located in Exeter, Hampton and Stratham, NH

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