Comprehensive care for every condition affecting the hand, wrist, arm and elbow

Each part of our body is unique and serves a special purpose. Your hands are essential to your quality of life and daily function, and conditions affecting them can range from uncomfortable to incapacitating. With hand problems, the impact on your daily activities can be great.

Our Orthopedic Hand Surgeons have experience in non-operative and operative treatment of conditions affecting the hand and upper extremity.  As a hand and upper extremity specialists, Dr. Jessica Peelman and Dr. Roderick Bruno collaborate with our certified hand therapists to explore non-surgical options prior to surgical treatment. The goal is to restore pain free function for patients and help them return to their normal activities. If surgery is needed, a number of minor surgeries for conditions such as carpal tunnel, trigger finger, and DeQuervain’s disease can be performed right in our office.

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(2 Providers,
250 Ratings,

Our Hand Surgeons are conveniently located in the Center for Orthopedics and Movement on the Exeter Hospital campus.

View Orthopedic Hand Surgeons>

Conditions Our Hand Specialists Treat

  • Hand, wrist and elbow fractures
  • Small joint arthroscopy
  • Microvascular surgery
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Trigger Finger
  • DeQuervain’s disease
  • Tennis elbow
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Nerve injuries
  • Tendon injuries
  • Hand, wrist and elbow arthritis
  • Hand, wrist and elbow joint replacements
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Dupuytren’s disease (including minimally invasive treatment)

Patient Testimonial - Hand Surgeon, Jessica Peelman, MD