Endocrinology (Diabetes & Metabolism)

Our Endocrinologists evaluate and treat patients with diabetes, thyroid, pituitary and other hormone related conditions and help remove any confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet.

Of all diseases linked to nutrition and the science of endocrinology, diabetes may be the best known. We can help you learn how to control your diabetes and lower your risk for long-term complications. We will work with your physician and other caregivers to formulate a plan that’s right for you.

We may ask some patients to complete a Bone Health Risk Assessment

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4.9 out of 5
(3 Providers,
622 Ratings,

Our Endocrinologists are located in Stratham, NH.

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With a decrease in the amount of sunlight people are exposed to as the short days of winter approach, you should consider supplementing your diet with Vitamin D

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