Jason Howe, DO

Dr. Jason Howe is a primary care family practitioner in Stratham, New Hampshire. Dr. Howe is board certified in Family Practice.

As a father of three young children, Dr. Howe is very familiar with the demands placed on today's busy families. He and his family reside in Newburyport, MA.

Now located in our new office in the back - Building D

  • Undergraduate: BA, Connecticut College, New London, CT
  • Graduate: DO, University of New England, Biddeford, ME
Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA
Board Certified
Family Practice

Patient Rating
4.9 out of 5
202 Ratings

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Core Physicians
118 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: (603) 778-1620
Fax: (603) 772-8015
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Very, very good. Listens to you and is careful and explains everything to you so you feel comfortable. And all I can say is thank goodness I have him. Thank you.


He is the best !!!


Let's you make decisions.




Very friendly and professional and got me in with my doctor a hour early. Very thankful for that because I have over a hour drive. Much appreciated.


I am Lucky to have Dr. Howe is my primary care physician.


Dr. Howe cares about his patients and spends as much time as necessary to discuss issues and concerns. Very caring and personable.


Very direct. Tells it as it as. Does not beat around the bush.


I am a retired RN. It has always been a productive visit with Dr. Howe. He listens, makes a diagnosis, orders appropriate work up and sends you on your way with a sense that things will be OK!


Even though my provider was behind schedule my appt wasn't rushed. The provider spent plenty of time to listen explain inform & educate me to help me make the best decisions concerning my health needs. My provider even took time to listen to the recent misfortunes in life. He treated mind & body health. Thankyou Dr.

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