Kristen Johnson, MD

Dr. Kristen Johnson practices Pediatrics in Stratham, New Hampshire. Dr. Johnson is a board certified Pediatrician.

Dr. Kristen Johnson has moved to our Stratham Pediatric office at 118 Portsmouth Ave.

"As a pediatrician, my goal is to help families take the best care of themselves as possible. My role is to help you enjoy the excitement of your child's growth and development and to help teenagers find their way to adulthood as they gain independence. I hope to help families find care that matches their own goals."

"My professional interests include; adolescent care, endocrinology including diabetes, thyroid, growth, and puberty, young families, care in developing countries especially Haiti. Outside of work I enjoy time with my family, skiing, cooking and travel."

  • Undergraduate: BA Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
  • Graduate: MD University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY in Pediatrics
Yale University, New Haven, CT in Pediatric Endocrinology
Board Certified

Patient Rating
4.9 out of 5
90 Ratings

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Core Physicians
118 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: 603-658-1823
Fax: 603-658-1824

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Dr Johnson went above and beyond in her time spent and her view of not only our son but our entire family. I feel very grateful.


She's really great and amazing gives lots of good suggestions listens to what you may suggest and helps with also recommending other things. a very good doctor to reach out to


Dr Johnson is excellent!


Highly Recommend


Dr. Johnson is the very best!


What I love about Dr. Johnson is she really blends the care and the questioning with the age appropriateness of the patient, as well as she's very kind, she's very thorough. I like her overall demeanor and I feel really just truly comfortable with my children in her care. She says all the right things and is very, has a light touch about how she speaks about serious things. I love her.


We love Dr. Johnson! We couldn't ask for a better provider!


Dr. Johnson is personable, thorough, and a great listener.


Dr Johnson truly listens and gives you all the time you need to explain why you're there. She gives such wonderful explanations for both the parent and the child, so that everything is understood and everyone is comfortable with the results. I would 100% recommend Dr Johnson.


Kristen was truly an excellent doctor for my sick child. She was kind, patient, funny, and had a way to get my nervous daughter to not only cooperate but actually leave the appointment saying "that was great!!".

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