Jane Rosa, APRN

Jane Rosa is a Primary Care Provider (PCP) in Stratham, NH who is accepting new patients of all ages.
  • Undergraduate: BS, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
  • Graduate: MSN, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Board Certified
Family Nurse Practitioner

Patient Rating
4.7 out of 5
171 Ratings

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Core Physicians
118 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: 603-778-1620
Fax: 603-772-8015

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Jane was a good listener and seemed to answer my questions. Annika, who was in training with Jane and did a lot of my intake was amazing! She was thorough and listened and asked the right questions and will make a wonderful PA when she's finished with school!


Ms Rosa is well versed on the subject of A1C and diabetes.


They are good


Jane was a pleasure to meet and work with. Was easy to talk with and was understanding to my medical needs. The eye cream she prescribed cured my sore eye in 3 days, in the beginning I questioned whether or not it would. Thank you Jane!


My only complaint is that sometimes when I request a prescription refill it takes longer than it should for my refill to be called in, I will now put a refill request 3 days before I run out and I hope my request will be filled before I run out. Other than that she is thorough


The provider was extremely caring, personable, and knowledgable. She listened carefully to what I had to say. I would recommend this provider.


I have recommended core physicians to other people that all doctors there are awesome.


Jane was thorough and compassionate, and was able to spend the time needed to address my problems.


Jane is attentive, professional, and a pleasure to have as a provider


She is helpful, listens to her patients, and has a kind and approachable attitude.

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