Benjamin Gersten, PA-C

Benjamin Gersten is a certified Physician Assistant in Portsmouth, NH.

Benjamin is accepting new patients 13 years of age or older as part of Dr. Michael Steven’s Care Team. Please call the New Patient Welcome Center at 603-580-7700 for more information.
  • Undergraduate: BS, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
  • Graduate: MS, Franklin Pierce University, Lebanon, NH
Board Certified
Physician Assistant

Patient Rating
4.6 out of 5
185 Ratings

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Core Physicians
605 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: 603-658-2344
Fax: 603-658-2355

Verified Patient Reviews & Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Patient Experience Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments also are gathered from our Patient Experience Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Seems very qualified and listens carefully.


my provider was very punctual. Very knowledgeable. As well as very informative about things I should be doing and things that I am already doing that are keeping me healthy. You did not judge and kept everything neutral. And made me feel very comfortable.


Core Physicians provides excellent care and service with easy scheduling, low wait times, and proper care from the staff. The medical assistant was very kind and welcoming, and the PA-C was very thorough and insightful. All around I had an excellent experience.


Easy to talk to, listened carefully and proactive in what I was concerned about. And didn't "RUSH" me out the door. Thank you, Dr. Ben Gersten


Yes, Ben Gersten is always attentive, he listens, he's knowledgeable, he is clear about what he... what is going, you know, what is going on with my, in this particular case, what the issue was, explains it succinctly and clearly in terms of answering my questions, and he listens, so, and he has a very calm demeanor, so, and I feel like it's more of a dialogue, and it's just super helpful, so, and super great experience, and I recommend him to any and all.


No personality.


Well worth the visit!!


Friendly, knowledgeable,thorough and a good listener


Ben Gersten is a great Dr. He listens and has a calm way of communicating with you.


A very professional health care provider who collaborates with his patients in providing the best care possible that ensures patient compliance with the established health care plan.

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